Solving problems with restrictions from Meta

Solving the problem with blocking and other restrictions from Meta

As a rule, Meta is not always a complete description of the reason for blocking, limiting itself to general formulations of violation of trading policy, so we are forced to only guess what caused the strike, but it’s good that we have a large sample of similar cases and we can guess why Meta restricted the operation of the account. Below we will look at the most popular reasons.

Reasons for blocking and what to do about it?

First, do not under any circumstances click(!) on the “request verification” button in the Meta Security Center ( It should be contacted only when the possible causes of the malfunction have been eliminated, and only after that you can request a check. If you request a verification without making a change to your account, the verification option will disappear and it will become more difficult to return your account to full operation.

Data inconsistency in the "Company Information" section

The most common reason for blocking is due to inconsistencies in the data that you specified in the business manager and which you broadcast publicly, for example, on your website. If the “Company Information” section does not contain the necessary information, then your account is blocked. Double check 3 main sections:

  • Organization name.

  • Company address.

  • Phone number.

The information you provide here must be fully consistent with the information you provide on your website. It is best to place new blocks of information in the footer of the site. If the name of your company is displayed as a picture on the website, then it would be better to add it in text in the footer.

The phone number you provide in Meta must also be displayed on the site. This number may differ from the one connected to the WhatsApp Business API, the main thing is that the number on the website and in the “company information” are the same. If you had inconsistencies in the data and you corrected them, then you can then click on the “request review” button in the Meta Business Manager security center.

Reject Display Name.

During the number registration process, you specify the organization's Display name - the name displayed to customers on WhatsApp. If you violate Meta's Display name guidelines, which can be found here (, your WhatsApp Business Account will be temporarily disabled. You can correct this violation and remove restrictions very simply, just edit the Display name in WhatsApp Manager.

Number stopped (SPAM).

The strength of the WhatsApp Business API is the absence of a ban. You will not lose access to the number and your customer base. However, Meta can stop your WhatsApp account if you send spam or your message templates ( First the template will be blocked, then you will receive a warning, and after the warning the number may be blocked. The best thing is to prevent such situations: monitor warnings, monitor the quality of your template messages, create the most interactive and interesting templates so that customers open messages from you, respond to incoming requests and do not complain about your messages. If something terrible happens, you can request a recheck of your account using this link ( You will have to convince Meta that you did not send spam, otherwise the account may remain blocked.

Filing an appeal.

If it was not possible to remove the restrictions the first time, then on our own behalf we can write an objection to Meta in the form of an appeal. Write to our support, we will write a detailed letter indicating why your account should be unblocked. In 90% of cases, we manage to remove restrictions and return the account to its 100% functionality.

Last updated