Tariffs and payments (May update!)

What you pay money for and how it is paid for

What are the costs?

Using the 1msg service, you pay for a monthly or annual subscription and open dialogs with clients.

What do we not charge for?

We do not charge you for connecting your number to the WhatsApp Business API and obtaining the green checkmark.


The price of a channel with a phone number connected to the WhatsApp Business API is $39 per month or $30 per month for a one-time annual payment.

Dialog fees

Open dialogues with clients are paid. The fee is charged for the initiated conversation session once every 24 hours - that is, after sending a certain template or after receiving the first message, you have 24 hours of free communication. However, please note that if in the course of your communication with the client you send a template of a different category than the one in which the dialogue was launched, this opens another conversation in 24 hours and charges a fee.

The price of the dialogue varies depending on the initiated party and the chosen template. If your client writes to you first, it's a little cheaper, such conversation fall under the "Service" category, for example, for Singapore, the difference will be as follows. Please note that we are talking about templates, as part of an open 24 hour conversation, messages will be free! Consider the example of Singapore: Outgoing paid templates

  • $0.045 for outgoing conversation with Authentication template

  • $0.050 for Outgoing Dialog with Utility Template

  • $0.077 per outgoing conversation with Marketing template

The incoming first dialog is defined as a Service template.

  • $0.024 per incoming conversation

The good news is that for small businesses, the "package" of incoming conversations included in the subscription price may be enough - there are 1,000 incoming conversations per number at the beginning of the month. Also, depending on the type of outgoing template you choose, you can reduce your outgoing conversation costs. Check your templates and choose the most suitable template type!

Read the rates for all zones here.

Billing procedure

Providing the channel for number to access to WABA works on a subscription basis. You can subscribe in your 1msg.io account. Your card will be charged according to the tariff you chose. If you selected monthly payment, the next subscription payment will be made one month after the first payment.

What if the payment has failed?

If for some reason we are unable to charge, access to WABA for the number is suspended. Also, it is not possible to connect a new number until payment is successful.

We recommend topping up the balance so that the dialogue fees are deducted from the balance. This is another way to avoid stopping your channel if there is a problem with your subscription.

Payment for dialog messages.

When you send outgoing templates, we summarize their cost. Each day, your balance will be deducted the amount for the templates you have sent the previous day. We recommend that you top up your balance so that you first deduct from it, and then only from your subscription. This way, the risk of stopping the account with all channels in case of non-payment is minimized. If you exceed 1000 incoming open calls included in your subscription, the charges for subsequent incoming calls will also be included in your billing. Please note: failure to pay for such bills may result in termination of your account with all Channels even if your subscription is paid.

Billing for dialogs is on an advance system. Keep your balance positive to avoid the risk of blocking your account if there is any debt on the channel.

Outgoing (business-initiated) conversation categories

Outgoing message templates are now divided into Utility, Authentication and Marketing. Let’s explore the essence of each category:

  • Marketing. Marketing refers to sending promotions, offers, information, or calls-to-action (CTAs) to customers. Any correspondence that does not fall under the description of the Service or Authentication will be categorized as ‘Marketing’.

  • Utility. Handling specific requests or transactions, sending customers updates on the current transaction, including post-purchase notifications and invoices for regular purchases.

  • Authentication. Messages with one-time codes, for example during multi-factor login processes (account confirmation, account recovery, etc).

Incoming conversations

The fourth category is ‘Service conversations’. This category applies to conversations initiated by your clients when no other categories of dialogues were open. However, if you send a template from a different category during the 24-hour service conversation window, a new session will be opened and an appropriate fee will be charged.

1000 free conversations. Outgoing conversations (business-initiated) will no longer be included in free 1000 messages. Only incoming conversions will remain free.

Note the important points:

  • Meta will now also check the category of the template during verification. It’s crucial to specify the correct template category. If the template content is different from its chosen category, (e.g., the Authentication category is selected but marketing content is sent), the template may be rejected (gets ‘rejected’ status).

  • When creating templates that use variables, you must now add examples.

  • In order to check the result of automatic categorization of existing templates, refer to WhatsApp Manager. You can see new template categories (1) on your WhatsApp Manager section. To check the result of automatic categorization, go to the Notification center (2).:

You can use the WhatsApp Manager or your 1msg account templates interface. Go to the Channels, select the channel you want to work with, and click the Templates tab.

Several conversation categories while one dialog session

If you initiate a dialog with a user by sending a 'Marketing' template and later during the conversation send a template from the 'Utility' category in the same dialog, the other category dialog opens. Thus, you will pay the cost of both dialog sessions—the 'Marketing' category and the 'Utility' category. However, if you further send a template that belongs to a category of one of the conversations already open (in our example, Marketing or Utility), this will not open an additional session and will not result in additional fees.

See Meta's explanation for details and examples (PDF )

Free entry point conversations

These are conversations which are open when a user comes from Facebook Ads, clicks the ‘Click to WhatsApp’ button or the Call-to-Action button on the Facebook page.

  • Meta increased the duration of these conversations from March 1st. Now you have 72 hours instead of 24 to communicate with those clients.

  • During this 3-day period you can use templates from all categories, this will not lead to opening new sessions and charging a fee.

Deleting a number and cancelling a subscription

In this case, we keep the fee for the full month. The number will be removed from the WhatsApp Business API and you can use it in the regular WhatsApp, WhatsApp Web, or WhatsApp Business apps. If you have paid conversations or opened more than 1000 incoming conversations during the billing period, you can only delete the number after 30 days. after debiting funds for the last paid call. There will also be a fee equal to the cost of a monthly subscription - this is due to the Meta-bills for your number, which we will have to pay after you cancel your subscription and delete the number.​

Last updated