Creation of template

A template is a pre-approved Facebook message format. It can be used to initiate communication with customers.

The message can be sent to chat or used to broadcast or chatbot.

Create a template

You can create a template by selecting the desired channel from the "Channels" menu and clicking on the "Template" tab -> New Template button.

In the window that opens, specify the Template Name and Type, then describe the structure of the fields that need to be sent to Meta to be approved.

This is what we see in the first window:

  • Template Name. The name can only contain lower case letters, numbers and underscores.

  • Category. Select the type of message: Marketing, Service or Authentication.

  • The Allow Category Change checkbox. Instead of rejecting the template, we will automatically change its category type.

  • The language. The language you select must match the text in the template you are creating, otherwise Meta Template may reject the template.

Click 'Next' and you will be taken to the second step of filling in the structure. Depending on the category you have selected, the structure will be different.

Templates Marketing or Utility


An optional header that appears at the top of the template message. Headers support text, multimedia (image, video, document). The text option supports a variable and holds text up to 60 characters.


Here you already fill in the main text of the template, to which you can also add variables. Variables are identified by double curly braces and a number, e.g. {{1}}. You can type them in or click on 'Add Variable'. You can write any text in them when you send the template - name, order number, address, delivery status, etc.


Hello, {{1}}. This is your manager {{2}}. You've signed up for a course...

All you need to do here is enter the names. All the other text is already saved in the template.

Hello, Ivan. This is your manager Ludmila. You've signed up for a course...

Variables are added in strict numerical order and only as shown above. Also, the body of the template cannot consist only of variables.

Examples of incorrectly filled variables

Hello {{2}}. This is your manager {{1}}. You've signed up for a course..

Hello, {{1}}. This is your manager {{3}}. You've signed up for a course...

Hello, {{text1}}. This is your manager {{text2}}. You've signed up for a course...


However, you can get around the ban on using a single variable with no fixed text by using either emoji or symbols (arrows, etc) at the beginning and end of the string.


💬 {{1}} 💬

💬 And here is where any text 💬

Maximum 1024 characters.

Note also that the numbering of variables in each element starts from the beginning. For example, if you specify a variable in the HEADER, it will also start with 1 in the BODY.

At the moment it is not possible to specify variables at the beginning and end of the text from your personal cabinet. Watch out for updates that will remove this restriction.


Footers are optional text-only components that appear immediately after the body component. Templates are limited to one footer component.


What kind of buttons:

  • Quick Reply.

    Quick reply buttons are custom text-only buttons that immediately message you with the specified text string when tapped by the app user. 25 characters maximum.

  • URL Button.

    URL buttons load the specified URL in the device's default web browser when tapped by the app user. Templates are limited to two URL buttons.

  • Phone Number Button.

    Phone number buttons call the specified business phone number when tapped by the app user. Templates are limited to one phone number button.

  • Catalog Button (only available in the Marketing category).

    A button that, when clicked, opens your catalogue. Your customer will be able to place an order and the list of goods or services sent will appear in your chat.

Button restrictions:

  1. There can be a maximum of 2 buttons in a template. Each button can be up to 25 characters long. The URL link (not the text for the button) can be up to 2000 characters.

  2. You can add up to 2 URL buttons, up to 2 quick reply buttons or up to 1 Phone button to the template.

  3. The link and number button does not send a reply to the chat when clicked, unlike the quick reply button.

  4. The 'Carousel' template allows you to combine buttons of different types.

  5. In the 'Catalog' template you can only use one button - the Catalog button. The text of the button will not be changed.

Authentication template

This template type has restrictions on how it can be filled, unlike the other two categories.

HEADER - does not have a header.

BODY - the text does not change.

Note: the text the Whatsapp user receives depends on the template's language.

FOOTER - you can add text about code expiry.

BUTTONS - authentication templates include either a Copy Code button or a One-Touch Autofill button.

Finishing the template

Once you have completed the template structure, the next step is to add examples if you have included variables in your text or links, or have chosen IMAGE, VIDEO, DOCUMENT in the HEADER type.

If you are adding multimedia links to the document, make sure that the link ends in its format (.jpg, .pdf, .csv, etc.).

Click on 'Add examples' and fill in the required fields.

If you have not used variables or have already filled them in, click 'Next'.

From this point the Meta validation process of your template will begin, this can take from a few minutes to a few hours. However, it usually takes around 5 minutes.

Template statuses:

  • Submitted - the template is still being reviewed, you can't use it yet.

  • Approved - you can use it, the template has been reviewed.

  • Rejected - the template has not been reviewed, you cannot send it to clients.

If the template does not pass validation, please check the following:

  • The template does not contain explicit advertising or offensive or threatening content.

  • It does not collect sensitive information from users;

  • The selected template language matches the language of the template text;

  • The selected category matches the theme of the template.

  • There is no more than one space in a row in the template text;

  • There are no abbreviated links in the template;

  • The variables have been set in numerical order and contain only numbers;

  • The message body contains text, not just variables;

  • There are no character limits exceeded anywhere.

How to delete a template

Click the red button of the desired template to delete it.

Last updated